Very few businesses are still resistant to the notion of content marketing. There’s simply no better way of giving your business a voice and a sense of personality. It can make a huge difference in establishing your brand and setting you apart from your competitors. If your customers have a better sense of who you are, what you stand for and that you’re a person who genuinely cares about their needs rather than focusing solely on the bottom line, they’ll be far more likely to give you their business. And if you’re just getting into the content marketing game in 2018, you need to devote a substantial portion of your efforts and resources into video production…


Image by Pxhere

Why video?

When it comes to content marketing, not all content is created equal, especially in an age where more and more people are accessing your business through their mobile devices. Your customers most likely lead fast paced and hectic lives, glimpsing whatever content you can provide in short bursts through their mobile devices. Blog posts are great and all, but if your client base spends much of their time on the go they’re less likely to engage in long form content.

Videos can convey information quickly and efficiently while also allowing users a certain sense of personal authenticity. As well as you may be able to come off in a blog post, users will feel much more engaged with and invested in you personally. Users are also much more likely to share video content than written articles or blog posts. But, like any form of content marketing, video production isn’t a panacea that will instantly boost your profits. It needs to be properly implemented.

Think strategy

While there are many companies out there who can help you with B2C and B2B video production, it’s not enough to generate content. That content needs to be posted and created strategically to provide maximum opportunities to engagement. You need to think carefully about what you post and when, while keeping your strategy agile enough to accommodate changes in the industry which may necessitate new content that addresses important issues in your chosen field as and when they occur.

You also need to think carefully about the purpose of your content. Are you simply trying to raise awareness of your brand? Build engagement with your products and services? Alert users to a new product? This will play a huge part in setting the tone and establishing a template for your content. You should also consider the audience themselves, and what they’re looking for. Do they want 10 minutes of infotainment, or 2 minutes of concise and to the point facts?

Watch your metrics

A huge part of any content marketing strategy is keeping an eye on your metrics to judge your content’s efficacy and make changes to your strategy quickly and decisively if a particular subject matter or style of content does not seem to be resonating with your audience. 

Thus, you should keep a close eye on your play rate, how many users click through on your call to action, how many users share the content as well as paying close attention to any comments made.

A cohesive video marketing strategy can make a huge difference in growing your brand and helping your customer base to get to know you a little better.