Natasha Grey head shot“It’s all about evolution.” ~Natasha Grey

Natasha Grey earned a bachelors and masters degree in psychology and became a child and family therapist. After having her son, she began to question her life. The answers she received led Natasha to her heart.

She made a conscious decision to shift from treating illnesses to preventing them. Now her time and energy is devoted to well-being, wholeness, as well as mind, body and spirit connection.

In addition to being a wife and a mother, Natasha is the author of the children’s book, Everyday Superheroes, which she wrote to inspire young children to recognize their inner hero.

Natasha’s Thoughts on Leaving Her Job to Become a Full-Time Entrepreneur

Leaving her job was scary because it was a completely new identity. Up until that point in her life, Natasha wasn’t a big risk-taker. But she also knew that there was something to be said about recognizing fear, doing it anyway, and knowing that everything is going to be ok.

Natasha discovered that her fears weren’t about her – they were about what others thought of her. Once she was ok with following what was true to her rather than what other people thought was true for her, she gained a great sense of freedom and allowance.

Two Powerful Motivating Forces in Natasha’s Decision to Follow Her Heart

Natasha’s son and the idea of having regrets were her biggest motivation to walk away from her job and follow her heart.

She didn’t want her son growing up watching her mother spend her life working in a job that wasn’t meaningful. She also did not want to wake up one day with regrets about things she wished she would have done when she had the chance.

Natasha reminds you that this is your life right here, right now and nothing is guaranteed. She encourages listeners to seize the moment and follow their heart.

Conscious Living – Natasha’s Holistic Approach to Prevention

Natasha and her husband, Casey, created their Conscious Living brand to help people gain awareness around the foods they’re eating, the homes that they live in, and how they’re impacting their bodies and health. Her brand helps people shift to a humanistic way of seeing themselves so they make better choices that prevent illness.

How to Start Making Conscious Decisions about Your Health

It all begins with education and having a desire to make healthier choices. Start by recognizing that each decision you make impacts your health and wellness in some way. Instead of trying to revamp your lifestyle all at once, take baby steps in areas of interest to you. Small steps will prevent you from feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.

 Natasha’s Suggested Books

Loving What Is, by Byron Katie

This is an easy read with practical, actionable steps that you can incorporate into your life.

The Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson

This is a book that will help you get grounded and remind yourself of who you really are.

Natasha’s Projects

Natasha and her husband have developed a relationship program to support couples. They have The Conscious Store, an online store that sells fair trade handpicked, health food items, clothes and much more.

Casey +Natasha, Conscious Living Podcast, where she interviews guest from all over the world who are living a life on purpose.

How to Find Natasha Online

Website: (this is where her podcast lives, too)


Periscope: @caseyplusnatasha

Twitter: @CaseyNatashaG

Natasha’s Parting Words of Wisdom

“Whatever you want for your kids, do that for yourself.”