MWD 051I often get asked the question, “Erica, how do you do it all?” People look at me and think that I do it all because I work a full-time job, run my side business, host and produce this podcast, and am a mom of three busy teenagers.

In general, women believe that they have to do it all in order to achieve what they want in life. I used to think the same way, but I learned that this simply is not true.

In this episode, I share my approach to getting things done, and it might just surprise you.  The purpose of this mini training is to help other women escape from the trap of trying to do it all. It really is a trap that can lead to frustration or giving up.  I certainly don’t want you to give up on your dreams.

My answer to that question is that I don’t do it all – I do what’s important.

I focus my time and energy on things that get me closer to my dreams and to living the life that I want to live. I know that my time is a limited resource, so I do my best to use it wisely. I could easily spend hours on social media, watching TV, or talking on the phone in the evenings after work. But that wouldn’t be an effective use of my time, and it certainly would not help me build my business.

How to Escape the Trap of Trying to Do It All

One of the first things you can do to escape the trap of trying to do it all is stop beating yourself up. If you don’t get everything done on your list, it’s ok. Tell yourself that you did your best today, and that tomorrow is a new day.

Give yourself permission to not be perfect – no one is.

Setting unrealistic expectations can easily lead to feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Be realistic and set goals that coincide with your lifestyle.

Figure out what’s important to you. Start investing your time and energy into what’s important and will get you closer to living your dream.

Delegate tasks to free up more time to focus on what’s important.

Start where you are and take small steps along the way.

Action Step:

What can you do today that will get you closer to your dreams?

What will you do on a regular basis to build the momentum you need to achieve your dreams?

Write your answers down and commit to doing one thing daily for the next 7 days. After that, add something else from your answer above. Continue this until you feel that you are making the most of your time AND making consistent progress toward your goals and dreams.