Starting your business often means that you focus on some of the larger aspects to get things going. You work on your branding, you work on the social media and website and ensuring that you create the right products to sell or the best services that you can provide. However, once you get to the next stage of your business, you may have advanced into a new business location, hired staff and moved the business on. So a huge priority for the business means you need to protect it. With that in mind, here are some of the things to think about. 


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Protecting the business location with an alarm or security system

One of the biggest things that you need to think about when you have a new business location is to start thinking about the protection you have in place when it comes to security. This might be that you need to think about an alarm and security system and have something new installed. It may have been some time since the last system was installed, and now with new enhancements to alarm systems where they can be linked to local law enforcement or be monitored through your smartphone. You could also look at adding security cameras to help ensure that you secure the business location. This might be especially important if you are storing stock.

Updating electrical systems

A business location may not always be a new place with up to date electrical systems. You may also want to ensure that as a business you are environmentally friendly which may mean the installation of new light fittings or even looking at wiring and ensuring that the power supply is up to scratch. A great tip would be to hire someone who is a specialist in electrical services so that they can install new systems and wiring or even replace lighting and help with technology to ensure that your business is protected and also eco friendly. 

Protecting your business from ex-employees

Another threat to your business when it comes to security can often lie with ex-employees. It may sound strange, but ex-employees that still hold key fobs, security passes ands passwords that have yet to be discontinued may mean that your business could be threatened. You run the risk of burglary, or even damage to stock and the premises itself. Always ensure that you follow through with making sure that all access cards and fobs have been handed back in and access to data systems has been revoked. 

Having systems in place to protect data and digital footprint

Finally, you may need to think about having systems in place to protect the data that your business collects and also your digital footprint. It can often be that your business is under the most threat digitally with people trying to hack into systems and steal important data, especially customer personal information such as payment details. Fire walls and decent cyber security options can help you combat this threat.

Let’s hope highlighting some of these options will help you protect your business.