You’ve got a business, and now you need to market it. And the best way to do that is to make sure you’ve got an online presence for your business, one that updates regularly and always has something to offer to anyone who comes across it. All in all, you’re going to need a website, and you’re going to need a good content strategy and schedule to make sure you’re building the following you’ve always wanted.

So if you haven’t managed to put together this stage of your business plan yet, or you’re looking into refining your current content marketing, read on for a couple of tips that might just help you out.


It sounds simple enough, but there’s a lot of work to do! (Source)

Have Special Days

By special days, we either mean ones you’ve hyped up for new product drops, or ones where you’re having a sale or special promotion on what’s already listed in your retail section. Or you could take this idea the other way, and simply have days in your calendar where you publish special articles, like that of interview or reviews, or invite guest bloggers to talk about something your user base will find relatable.

When you have special days listed in the calendar, you allow yourself to plan months in advance what these surprises or promotions will be, and what you should say to your user base about them. And that’s indispensable in the fast paced business world – you need to give yourself plenty of planning time, and the chance to work out what’s so special about what you’re publishing.

Know What to Say

Of course this is the biggest part of writing out and publishing content, but it doesn’t stop at what topics you should write about or what impact you’re trying to have on the reader themselves. No, instead you need to focus on what kind of impact the words you’re writing will have on the internet algorithm itself, particularly that of the search engines people will use to find your stuff.

So with this in mind, you’re going to need to look into the best seo tools for small business, and how they can be put to use in your new content schedule. After all, if there’s going to be a change in the air over what key terms are popular, you’re going to want to know in advance before you publish your next piece. And with tools like those linked above, you can do just that.

Ready to Set Up a Content Calendar?

A content calendar simply allows you to plan with all the comfort in the world. After all, it’s going to be very important for your business to do so, as marketing and marketing well are two different things you need to master. So be sure to take tips like these into account right now, and really make a difference for what kind of articles, product descriptions, and captioned images you’re putting out on your website.