If you manage people and look after clients, you need an office that welcomes everyone. Of course, it will need to be functional and roomy enough to work effectively. Whether you operate an open-door policy or not, you need to make sure employees feel that you are approachable. Your work space has a lot to do with this. Here are just a few tips to avoid intimidation and client turn-offs when it comes to designing your office:


If you stay behind a desk, you will always have that barrier between you and the client or employee. If you want to offer a more open and welcoming approach, try using a corner suite sofa in the room. Provide a coffee table for papers to be laid out when you’re presenting documents or ideas. Perhaps you can also have a wall-mounted touch-screen to bring your presentation to life? It certainly helps when it comes to collaborative working.

woman working on laptop

Are you a welcoming boss? Image provided by Pexels

Colors And Distractions

Choosing a color for your office is harder than it sounds. Many executives pick a color that promotes productivity. But if you’re in a creative role, you might prefer something bolder and quirkier. Try to use color as a feature rather than the whole theme. Bold or brash colors can be a distraction and do little to enhance the mood. You can learn more about how an attractive scent or aroma in the room can help you relax or boost your concentration. This might be ideal on a really busy day!

Privacy And Respect

If you have your own office, chances are you are handling sensitive projects and documents. As a people manager, you might also be handling sensitive and personal issues. Seat visitors with their back to the window and door. You can use blinds to temporarily offer a little extra privacy, too. If you are going to close the door, make sure you are never between it and your client or employee.

modern office

Can you create the right space for your clients and employees? Picture from Pexels

Open Door, Open Ears?

An open door policy is always welcomed by employees. It means they can come to you at any time to talk about anything. But if you’re in the middle of something, are you really listening to what they have to say? Distractions or task hopping can be difficult to manage. If you want to operate an open door policy make sure you have the techniques in place for this quick switching or shifting of attention.


Do you provide refreshments and comforters in your office? A box of Kleenex, a bowl of fruit and a jug of water are ideal additions to your meeting table. Don’t forget a handy waste bin. You might also have a coffee maker in the room or tea facilities. These comforts encourage longer meetings and less formal approaches to the conversation. This can be good to use as part of your management or sales strategy. It’s a great way to help people feel comfortable in your room rather than nervous, unwelcome, or under pressure. How do you ensure your office is always welcoming?