Robin Breckenridge is an educator, public speaker, and certified life and relationship coach. Robin’s background and experience in behavioral education coupled with her own experiences with challenging relationships, lead her to her true calling- helping people repair and restore their relationship with self and others. Robin works in unison with PIVOT, a proven curriculum-based process created for individuals, couples, and groups who are looking to improve relationships.

During our conversation, Robin talks about:

  • How her relationships as an adult were impacted by dysfunction in her childhood
  • How to break toxic relationship patterns
  • Trauma that adults face when growing up in “normal” environments
  • Understanding boundaries in relationships and how to set them
  • How co-dependency creates mom guilt
  • Creating a change plan to manage and tolerate uncomfortable feelings
  • And so much more..

Here’s how to connect with Robin Breckenridge online:


Facebook and IG: @lovetopivot

Personal Facebook: @robinbreck

Thank you for listening to my podcast! I appreciate you and love to hear from you. Please feel free to share your takeaways and thoughts in the comments below the show notes. You can also email me directly at:

Until next time, RECLAIM your DREAM. Do what YOU love. Make a difference.

Take care,
